
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Strawberry Lemonade

Yesterday was my husband's birthday.  Of course we celebrated with lots of good food.  What other way is there to celebrate?  We had fajitas for dinner with this delicious strawberry lemonade and Hawaiian bread for "dessert."  It was perfect.  I'll post those recipes sometime soon.

My husband loves berry lemonades.  This strawberry lemonade was not originally on the menu, but we had zested lemons and a carton of strawberries begging to be used.  When I saw those, I knew I could use up food that badly needed to be eaten and make my husband very happy.  And thus this utterly delicious strawberry lemonade was born!  It's way better than the powder stuff.  Better for you, for the taste buds and really easy and quick to make.  That's a win-win-win.

Strawberry Lemonade
Makes about 6 glasses of lemonade

1 1/2 cups fresh squeezed lemon juice (you could use the store bought kind, but this will taste better)
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups sliced strawberries
6 cups cold water

Blend the lemon juice and sugar in a blender for 30 seconds to make sure the sugar is fully incorporated.

Now toss the strawberries in the blender and pulse until you achieve your desired consistency.  Last night we went completely smooth and after that we decided we like it more chunky.

Pour into a pitcher and add 6 cups of cold water (you may want to taste it at 4 cups so you can decide how much you want to dilute it).  Mix well and enjoy!

Highly adapted from Mel's Kitchen Cafe.